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3" Series

New cooling and inductance features that are set up in stages. The first stage is a machined aluminum pole sleeve. This provides better heat wicking and is the first portion of inductance linearizing and reduction. The second stage is a combination of the pole sleeve and an aluminum domed compression cap. This increases the compression ratio for cooling as well as adds some outstroke inductance reduction. The third stage utilizes the pole sleeve, the compression cap, and a thick aluminum finned extrusion that again lowers and linearizes inductance as well as aids in thermal dissipation. With the third stage we have reduced inductance by almost a factor of 3 over utilizing none of the aluminum.

All leads are stitched in the same pattern and use the bolted terminal block as the original hybrid design. But we have added push terminals that use this same setup with the ability to handle much larger wire and completely removing the multiple solder and crimp points that could introduce unwanted resistance.

All Neo3.X subs use the high Xmax dual 1 Ohm and dual 2 Ohm coils for 34mm of one way Xmax